Apresentação TRA BOUSCAREN, artista multimeios
Tra Bouscaren é um artista que usa multimeios para criar instalações físicas e digitais. Trabalha com recursos computacionais para coreografar objectos reciclados, que são modificados fisicamente e digitalmente, ganhando novas significações. Segue a descrição do seu trabalho em inglês
Tra Bouscaren is a post-disciplinary artist, university lecturer, and freelance curator. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Yale University, an MFA in Interdisciplinary Fine Art from the University of Pennsylvania, and is working towards his PhD in the Department of Media Study at Buffalo. Currently he is the Artist-in-Residence of the IsolAIR Program in Cape Verde, with institutional support from the Ministry of Culture and the United States Embassy.
Bouscaren’s studio is a mixed-media recycling factory where he creates and then destroys physical and digital artifacts down into abstracted fragments, only then to re-mix those remains into the next generation of artworks. This progressive, anti-precious, and auto-cannibalistic approach builds his own artistic history back into the found material with which he works towards a post-dialectical end-game.
Featured in more than 60 exhibitions in Europe and America, his work has been shown at venues including the Lincoln Center in New York, the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia,, Hallwalls in Buffalo, The Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, the Maud Piquion & Partner Galleries in Berlin and Weimar, Victor I Fils Gallery in Madrid, and the Centre Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, where he has been represented by N2 Gallery since 2007.
Following his current commitment here in Cabo Verde, Bouscaren will be engaged as the Artist-in-Residence and Visiting Lecturer of Professional Practices and Critical Theory at the University of Texas, El Paso.