
Kasey Toomey (MFA '17) in Capability Brown Opeining April 16

Capability Brown
Opening: Saturday, April 16, 7-10pm
Closing: Sunday, May 22, 7-10pm

High Tide Gallery
1850 N. Hope St
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Do you know that feeling when you are kind of lost in the woods and you're looking around in uncertainty? It is similar to when you are in the grocery store blankly staring up and down the aisle. Or when you start an internet search for something and after a few clicks, hours have disappeared.

Tune into the open system of self-organizing patterns and relationships. Find yourself temporarily lost in the biorhythms. Go on autopilot. It’s a state of multiple focal points.

Capability Brown explores natural systems through technology, humor and artifice. By altering one’s perspective everyday systems become elaborate mysteries. The familiarity of these processes are warped with the child-like joy of experimentation.

Capability Brown is an exhibition featuring works by Dan Allende, Sam Cusumano, John Shapiro, Kasey Toomey and Adrianne Waxman.