
Rene Marquez (MFA '93) to Present at Penn Humanities Symposium

How do ideas of center and periphery enter into research programs and disciplines? Can we study centers and peripheries without reproducing the structures of power our research is designed to reveal or critique? How might we teach about centers and peripheries while navigating these various methodological challenges? To confront these and other questions, this one-day symposium will bring together invited speakers with the Forum's Graduate Mellon Fellows including Tara Fadenrecht (MFA '13) and other Penn graduate students and faculty.

10:00am-12:00pm - Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street
Free and open to the public - Click to pre-register

The Challenge of the Periphery

Jane Guyer

Professor of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins

Eric Hayot
Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State

Rene Marquez
Associate Professor of Visual Art, University of Delaware

Kazys Varnelis 
Director, Network Architecture Lab, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation  

1:30-5:45pm - Nevil Classroom, Penn Museum - Free and open to students and faculty (Penn and regional)

PANEL 1: 1:30-3:30pm
Discussants: Jeremy Dell and Gideon Fink Shapiro, GHF Mellon Fellows

"The Point of Departure is Elsewhere": Three Recent Arguments for Africa as a Theoretical Point of Departure on Aspects of Current Capitalism - Jane Guyer

Networked Publics or Pareto's Revenge - Kazys Varnelis

PANEL 2: 3:45-5:45pm
Discussants: Yumi Lee and Cliff Mak, GHF Mellon Fellows

Scale, Hierarchy, and the Problem of World Literature - Eric Hayot

Is This a Studio or a Kennel? - Rene Marquez
To view more of Marquez's work, please visit his website.

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